Sarasota School of Arts and Sciences is Sarasota County’s longest continually operated charter school.
A History of Excellence
Engagement and participation are a significant part of daily life at SSA+S. We promote programs and projects that challenge, motivate, and inspire our students to succeed. We stimulate a student’s curiosity for learning by encouraging a student’s independence of thought, as well as interdependence in group collaborations.
Cambridge AICE Academy
The Cambridge AICE Academy features an internationally recognized college preparatory curriculum that emphasizes greater development of academic skill offerings and prepares students for the advanced college preparatory programs at the high school level.

Visual Arts Academy
Digital & Visual Arts Prep Program
Portfolio development utilizing innovative applications, contemporary tools, and/or software. Students will work with outside professionals and multiple forms of media. Students’ experiences qualify them for college preparatory programs for the Visual Arts, digital and motion design, and technical arts programs.
STEM Academy
CTE STEM Academy
Cambridge AICE STEM Engineering Academy
Prepares students for STEM-related high school programs. SSA+S partners with outside industries in STEM- related presentations and field trips. Students are exposed to real world application and career paths.
Performing Arts Academy
Performing Arts Prep Program
Advanced Dance, Music, Technical and Musical Theatre classes designed to immerse students in different styles of performances, execution of production, stagecraft, and dramatization.
Academic Support
For struggling or reluctant learners, we provide daily learning labs in a small group environment for our students who are struggling in mathematics or reading.
School – to – Home Communication
We stay connected to parents with weekly “Team News,” the Portal, and on-line assignment platforms, Office 365.
“Sarasota School of Arts and Sciences has again scored an “A” grade. We are so proud of this feat by our students, teachers, staff, and families. Working together, we accomplish great things.”

Ms. Tahmosh
Custodian of Public Records
Engage Enlighten Empower
Maintaining our A rating
- We are proud to announce that we are an A school, earning 71% of points possible!
- The Florida Department of Education has created this Know Your Schools Portal for families.
- We offer a variety of competitive athletic programs from Soccer and Volleyball to our Pickleball Champions.
- Check out our Champion Athletics Program
- Our students can easily find and join a club of their interest at SSA+S, the choices are almost endless from Esports, Photography Club, Danz Team, Jame Band, and so much more.
- Check out our Extracurricular opportunities

Parents check out our FORMS page for athletic packets, bus routes, over the counter medication authorization, and more.