Sarasota School of Arts + Sciences


Students new to Sarasota County Schools and rising 7th graders are required to submit a current immunization record & school physical, prior to their first day of school.

Clinic Rules

  • Whenever a student becomes ill while at school, he/she should report this to his/her teacher immediately and ask that his/her agenda book be signed by the teacher as their pass to the clinic. Students without a pass will be sent back to class. 
  • If the student is ill enough to be sent home, the clinic aide will contact the person(s) named on the emergency card. 
  • Students are never permitted to use their cell phones for calls regarding illness or pickup. In addition, students may not use classroom phones if they are ill, they must call from the clinic. Failure to follow this procedure will result in disciplinary action. The Sarasota Health Department requires all illnesses be recorded by the clinic aide.
  • If the student comes to school and is identified as having a fever, the parent/guardian will be called to pick them up immediately. 
  • Students may not return to school for 24 hours after having a fever of 100 degrees or higher (without the use of a fever-reducing medicine).

Students May Not Remain in School with the Following Conditions:

  • temperature above 100 degrees
  • vomiting
  • unknown rash or ringworm
  • head lice

Administration of Medication

  • SSA+S follows all guidelines stated in the Sarasota County Student and Family Handbook. 
  • When possible, students should take prescribed medication at home. If it is necessary that medication be given during school hours, the procedures established by the School Board of Sarasota County must be followed.
  • All medication must be administered by health room personnel, and have a Medication/ Treatment Authorization Form (M/TAF) signed by a physician and parent/guardian. All medication must be stored in the original, sealed, unopened container. This includes non-prescription drugs: such as ibuprofen, aspirin, cough drops, prescription drugs, including inhalers, and/or samples. Written instructions indicating how the medication is to be taken must be included. 
  • A parent must deliver the completed Medication/Treatment Authorization Form and medication directly to the school health aideso that medications can be accepted and counted. Medication cannot be given without having the proper paperwork on file.
  • If a student is found in possession of a prescription drug or an over-the-counter medication, they will be suspended and recommended for expulsion. 
  • SSA+S follows the Sarasota County Schools’ guidelines for zero-tolerance offenses, such as the one dealing with inappropriate possession of medication
  • All medication that is not picked up by the last day of school will be destroyed.
  • In order for a student to receive an elevator pass due to an injury, the parent/guardian must provide a doctor’s note.
  • Medications for overnight field trips, and their forms, must be turned in at least 48 hours before the trip, to the clinic aide. 
  • A doctor’s note is required in order for injured students to ride the elevator.