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Thanksgiving Canned Food Drive
From Monday 09 November 2015
To Friday 13 November 2015

The Student Council of the Sarasota School of Arts and Sciences is holding its annual Canned Food Drive.

 November 9th - 13th

Donate to your Homeroom

Win a Dress Down Day and Share the Love!

Then the Student Council will create Thanksgiving Paper Bags filled with an entire Thanksgiving Dinner (Even the Turkey Certificate!) to be given to SSAS families in need and the extra food will be donated to The Mayor’s Feed the Hungry Campaign. If you know of an SSA+S Family in need, please call Jamie Bailey @ ext. 1456. Si usted conoce de una familia en necesidad , por favor llame a Jamie Bailey al telèfono 330-1855 extensión 1456 .

Cash or Checks           -           Cranberry Sauce          -           Stuffing                        -           Canned Vegetables         -           Pudding           -           Gravy   -           Boxed Potatoes            -           Canned Pumpkin


Thanksgiving Canned Food Drive

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