
A Focus on Families and Community

Family and community are at the very heart of our continued success. At the Sarasota School of Arts & Sciences, we foster a culture that promotes family and community involvement in all areas of our students’ education and development. Simply, we view parents, families and the broader community as true partners in learning.

General Information for Requesting Appointment of a Special Magistrate for Unresolved Student Welfare Complaints

1. Parents/Guardians must notify the school of the concern related to their student’s welfare based on one of the six (6) categories as outlined in section 1001.42, Florida Statutes, and in Rule 6A-1.094125, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) https://www.fldoe.org/schools/k-12-public-schools/special-magis.stml   Parents/guardians must allow the Principal or the Principal’s designee a minimum of seven (7) calendar days to resolve the complaint.

2. At a minimum of within thirty (30) days after notification by the parent, if the concern remains unresolved at the school level, the school district must resolve the concern or provide a statement of the reasons for not resolving the concern with the charter liaison https://www.sarasotacountyschools.net/Page/2494 (Charters)

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