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From Monday 17 October 2016
To Friday 21 October 2016


The "UnFundraiser"

Dear Parents/Guardians, It’s time for the annual SSA+S/PTSS UnFundraiser! What is an UnFundraiser?

UnFundraiser - (noun) A way for our school to earn 100% of donations without you selling cookies, wrapping paper, candy or magazines!

WHEN: Oct. 17-28

WHAT: Donate between $10-$50 (or more!)

WHY: 100% of your donation goes to SSA+S

HOW: Have your child return donations to their math teacher in the envelope provided, or (new this year!) ask friends and family to donate in your child’s name through our secure website www.UnFundUs.com by October 28th.

DETAILS: $10 donation = (MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7) 1 dress down day

$20 donation = (MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 - TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8) 2 dress down days

$30 donation = (MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9) 3 dress down days

$40 donation = (MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10) 4 dress down days

$50 donation = (MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11) 5 dress down days


UnFundraiser is easier than ever this year! Now family and friends can support SSA+S PTSS and help your student earn dress down days whether they are near or far. Just have them go to UnFundUs.com and click on the bright "Donate Now" button. You can even share unfundus.com on your Facebook or Twitter page. Just copy the web address from your browser and share the link to ask your friends if they would be interested in helping to support our amazing students.

We are not asking you to buy or sell anything! No cookie dough, wrapping paper, candy or magazines. Students simply collect donations to raise money to benefit our school. 100% of all money raised will go directly to SSA+S!!

Please have your child return donations to their math teacher in the envelope provided by October 28th. If you have any questions, please email ssasptssvicepresident@gmail.com


Your PTSS leadership team

The PTSS is also is also offering an additional incentive to bring in business partners and your child gets the five dress down days for the price of the business partner membership! A Business Partner Agreement form is attached for your convenience. Please be sure to fill out the entire Partnership Agreement if you choose to be a partner! We encourage you to ask family and friends as well!


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