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The “UnFundraiser
Thursday 04 February 2021

Dear Parents & Guardians, It’s time for the annual SSA+S PTSSUnFundraiser!


UnFundraiser—(noun) A way for our school toUnFundraiser—(noun) A way for our school toearn 100% of donations WITHOUT selling youcookies, wrapping paper, candy or magazines!It is the ONLY Fundraiser for the school year!


WHEN: February 1-12th, and Dress Down Week is March 8-12th.
WHEN: February 1-12th, and Dress Down Week is March 8-12th.
WHAT: Donate between $10-$50 (or more!), become a Family Sponsor, orfind a local business to become a Business Partner.
WHY: 100% of your donation goes to the SSA+S PTSS for all of our annualevents, teacher appreciation initiatives, teacher grant requests and MORE!


This is our ONLY fund-raiser so make sure you’re involved!


HOW: Have your child return donations to their math teacher in the envelopeprovided.


DETAILS: $10 donation = 1 dress down day (Monday March 8)
                   $20 donation = 2 dress down days (Mon. March 8– Tues. March 9)
                   $30 donation = 3 dress down days (Mon. March 8 - Wed. March 10)
                   $40 donation = 4 dress down days (Mon. March 8 - Thurs. March 11)
                   $50 donation = 5 dress down days (Mon. March 8 - Fri. March 12)


Skip the Donation and find a Business Partner ($100, $500 or $1000) The PTSS is also offering an additional incentive to bring in Business Partners. If you bring in a Business Partner your child will get all 5 dress down days! The Business Partner Form is attached below for your convenience. We encourage you to ask family, friends, or any businesses you frequent. Just have them fill out the attached Business Partner Agreement, and include this and their payment in the provided envelope. This way you pay nothing and can dress down for all five days!


We are not asking you to buy or sell anything! No cookie dough, wrapping paper, candy ormagazines. Students simply collect donations to raise money to benefit our school. 100% of allmoney raised goes directly to SSA+S! Please have your child return your donation to their math teacher in the envelope provided by February 12th.


If you have any please email Emily Stroud at SSASPTSSPresident@gmail.com


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